The Industrial Athlete will face a variety of expected and unexpected conditions during work, whether for Sedentary, Light, Medium, Heavy or Very Heavy tasks.
Don’t allow an initial symptom of fatigue or discomfort place the individual at the risk of injury, no matter what the characteristics of the tasks being performed.
Employer’s policies that request the employee provide immediate communication regarding any initial symptom of discomfort will enable the employer to be pro-active and provide resources which will protect the individual from injury.
Protection from injury can be maximized by
- Review of tasks and the work practices associated
- Provision of safety training regarding those tasks
- Implementation of a variety of applicable interventions in coordination with FUTURES REHAB clinicians. Class IV Laser can often have a place in one component of this program, for earlier resolution of the pain.
This program provides the needed protections to maximize injury prevention success.
The goal is to always institute the program in order to prevent progression of symptom to injury.